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RHS Timber Supplies - 63mm hySPAN H2-S Lumber LVL

At RHS Timber & Building Supplies, we supply durable 63mm hySPAN H2-S Lumber LVL for commercial and industrial applications. 63mm hySPAN H2-S Lumber LVL are just a small example of our commitment to bringing our customers high quality products that you can rely upon. Our staff at RHS Timber & Building Supplies will be happy to answer any questions you may have with our different types of timber, lumber & wood products.

What Is hySPAN H2 Laminated Lumber?

hySPAN® laminated veneer lumber (LVL) is easy to work with using traditional building tools and is clearly branded for easy identification and your guarantee of quality. hySPAN is suitable for all structural applications in residential, commercial, industrial and rural buildings subject to design verification.

hySPAN® is the LVL you’ve known for over two decades in traditional sizes. Manufactured for reliable performance, straight and true hySPAN LVL provides predictable and consistent performance.

hySPAN is easy to work with using traditional building tools and is clearly branded for easy identification. Readily available in long continuous lengths and thicknesses including 35 mm, 45 mm, 70 mm and 75 mm and section depths from 90 mm to 600 mm.

H2-S TERMINATOR – termite protection with 25 year guarantee*

Please contact with our expert staff to determine which of these quality hySPAN H2 Laminated Lumber products would best suit your building projects needs.

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Give us a call today on 02 8054 1347
RHS Timber & Building Supplies is your one-stop shop for 63mm hySPAN H2-S Lumber LVL , Mild Steel & Galvanised Steel Lengths, Aluminium Lengths & Plates or other building and construction products.

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